How do you choose the best of best web hosting service?Let me help you. Hosting plans are flexible nowadays. When you are selecting the right web host, you can spend a lifetime of happiness with a reliable and high performing host.
There are so many factors affecting your web hosting. Do you want to know?
Well, read the following. It will be helpful.
1. Need of hosting
Do think about the need of hosting a website. Does your hosting require any special software? check if the hosting company provides and depending on your budget and need you can go from shared hosting to dedicated server. For a small website shared hosting will be okay but if it required some special software and hosting providers are not providing the same. You can go with VPS and only if the website traffic and processing is high you need to go with dedicated server, which will be having a higher cost. . Each choice has its own cost level and matched with the requirements of a website.
Shared hosting plans are very cheap and easy to maintain. It is better to start and work as your site traffic increases. When shopping a shared hosting service, the important features are price, support and storage performance. You can contact us for any hosting related queries and requirements. We at riolabz are happy to assist you with the same.
2. Do check the reliability & speed of hosting
The most important factor is reliability and speed of hosting. No host can have any guarantee their servers will be working 100 %. Do avoid those hosting companies that report below 99%. Always prefer a host of fast servers. There are plenty of ways to speed up your website. As your site grows, hosting speed is very important.
One speaks that a one second delay in page speed reduces 16% of customer satisfaction. Even small delays can affect your server a lot.
3. Awareness of security features
Select for a host having SSL certificates to ensure that your site remains secured and encrypted. If you have to pass sensitive data like card numbers, you have to consider a secured web host. Check whether your host offers site backups frequently. Do choose a web host having a backup of 24 hours. So you will be restored with all data.
Secure website infrastructure, patches, and active security protocols are the features of a good web host. Even if you have selected a right web host, never guarantee that your site won’t be a hack.
4.Pricing plan analysis
Consider proper pricing plan for a web host. Don’t sacrifice support and performance while choosing low-cost web hosting. Do select affordable hosting plan having features like proper content delivery, automatic backups, website builders and e-commerce tools.
On purchasing, you will get a discount for signing up 1 year or longer. Pricing always depends on the quality of the services provided.
5. Reliability of support
Customer support can be in three ways- either online chat/mail or telephone support. Do Prefer online chat as it will be 24/7 hours. But others are only available at business hours. You can leave an email when the line is busy. Major issue happens with every company is that they fail to provide proper support incase of emergency, Do check for reviews in google and other website for the same.
The deciding factor is more important in purchasing. Be aware of the customer service before you purchase hosting servers.
6. Email hosting
Almost every hosting companies offer email hosting with website hosting. It is better to check at the email features before sign up. There are many ways to create email accounts with your own domain. Gsuite is a service offered by Google helps to manage email accounts.
7. Quality & flexibility
Do you ensure the quality of plan which you choose? But I can suggest your hosting plan - cPanel. It allows you to manage your website with as much control as possible.When you grew up your business, you may understand the flexibility of web hosting. Flexible concern that it is the easiness to transfer the hosting service to another company.